Pilot-Hub Compass

Reliability check

The background check (ZÜP) is a procedure that is carried out in accordance with Section 7 of the German Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) to check the trustworthiness of persons working in the aviation sector. We explain all the important details below.

What is a so-called ZÜP anyway?

In order to start pilot training, the applicant's reliability must be proven. In addition to submitting a declaration of exemption from punishment (to be completed at the flight school) and information in accordance with Section 30 (8) StVo from the driving offence register (not for UL), a reliability check (ZÜP) must also be carried out in accordance with Section 7 of the Aviation Security Act.  

The background check (ZÜP) is a procedure that is carried out in accordance with Section 7 of the German Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) to check the trustworthiness of persons working in the aviation sector. This check is necessary to ensure the safety of air traffic and to minimise potential safety risks posed by unreliable persons. 

The main objectives of the background check are: 

  • Security assurance: Ensuring that only trustworthy persons have access to security-relevant areas and information. 
  • Counter-terrorism: Prevention of terrorism and other security-related offences in air traffic. 
  • Safety culture: Promotion of a general safety culture within the aviation industry. 


Various aspects of the person concerned are analysed during the background check: 

  • Identity verification: Verification of personal data and proof of identity. 
  • Criminal record: Inspection of the police clearance certificate to ensure that there are no relevant previous convictions. 
  • Investigation proceedings: Check whether there are any ongoing investigations or criminal proceedings against the person. 
  • Further safety-relevant information: Collection of additional information from security authorities and other relevant bodies. 


Implementation of the ZÜP: 

The check is carried out by the competent aviation security authority. As part of the check, the persons concerned must submit certain documents and make a declaration regarding ongoing investigations or criminal proceedings. In certain cases, the check can also be carried out online, whereby the identity of the applicant must be verified. 

The ZÜP is required for various groups of persons in air transport, including: 

  • Aircraft pilot 
  • Persons who have access to security areas at airports 
  • Employees of air carriers who carry out safety-related activities 


The ZÜP is valid for 5 years and must be renewed thereafter. It must be applied for at the aviation security authority responsible for your place of residence. 

And where do I apply for a ZÜP?

Further information on applying for the ZÜP can be found under the following link:

Click here!
The ZÜP can be applied for online in this federal state via the following link:

Apply for ZÜP online at the Hamburg service portal
Further information on applying for the ZÜP can be found under the following link:

Click here!
Further information on applying for the ZÜP can be found under the following link:

Click here!
The ZÜP can be applied for online in this federal state via the following link:

Apply for ZÜP online at the Hamburg service portal
The ZÜP can be applied for online in this federal state via the following link:

Apply for ZÜP online at the Hamburg service portal
The ZÜP can be applied for online in this federal state via the following link:

Apply for ZÜP online at the Hamburg service portal
The ZÜP can be applied for online in this federal state via the following link:

Apply for ZÜP online at the Hamburg service portal
Further information on applying for the ZÜP can be found under the following link:

Click here!
The ZÜP can be applied for online in this federal state via the following link:

Apply for ZÜP online at the Hamburg service portal
Further information on applying for the ZÜP can be found under the following link:

Click here!
The ZÜP can be applied for online in this federal state via the following link:

Apply for ZÜP online at the Hamburg service portal
Further information on applying for the ZÜP can be found under the following link:

Click here!
The ZÜP can be applied for online in this federal state via the following link:

Apply for ZÜP online at the Hamburg service portal
The ZÜP can be applied for online in this federal state via the following link:

Apply for ZÜP online at the Hamburg service portal
Further information on applying for the ZÜP can be found under the following link:

Click here!

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