Your way to a pilot's licence

From pedestrian to pilot - a path that is not always easy and sometimes even complicated.

We will try to show you the most important steps below and link to helpful articles on our website and in our Academy that describe them in detail.

1. age

The minimum age for training begin depends on the type of licence to be obtained:

  • 14 years for glider pilots
  • 16 years for private pilots (UL, LAPL, PPL)
  • 17 years for commercial pilots (CPL, ATPL, MPL)

2. suitability

An approved aviation physician must certify medical fitness, depending on the licence in the classes:

  • Class 1 - Commercial pilots (CPL, ATPL, MPL)
  • Class 2 - Private pilots (PPL) and commercial glider pilots
  • Class LAPL - Other (e.g. LAPL, UL and non-commercial SPL)

3. reliability

In Germany, the reliability of an applicant is checked using three procedures:

  • Delivery of a Declaration of impunity (to be filled in at the flight school)
  • Information according to § 30 paragraph 8 StVo from the Driving incident register (not for UL)
  • German "Zuverlässigkeitsüberprüfung" (ZÜP) according to § 7 Aviation Security Act

4. documents

In summary, the following documents must be presented when registering at the flight school:

  • Valid identity document
  • Certificate of fitness
  • Declaration of impunity
  • Extract from the driving offence register (not for UL)
  • Certificate of the reliability (ZÜP)
  • Consent of the legal representative for underage applicants

And off we go!

After registering at the flight school, you can now start with the theory and practical training, the acquisition of the radio licence and the language certificates!

You can find out more about this in detail in our Academy!

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